600 or Better
Garrett Mudrick 280 235 279 794
Nate Schneider 279 287 216 782
Bill Cain 226 168 266 660
Tom Weber 228 185 243 656
Dan Knight 227 210 206 643
Ed Ambrose 180 231 231 642
John Firczak 181 256 198 635
Troy Erwin 183 222 227 632
Mike Fubio 256 201 174 631
Ken Jones 161 237 212 610
Ryan Adams 214 195 192 601
Important Message!
UPDATED December 9, 2020
Hi PNA Bowlers!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.
The League is going to try and start up again on Tuesday January 5, 2021 at 7pm.
This date may change depending on the PA shut downs that may occur.
If anyone is seriously interested and able to bowl the 2nd half of the season please reply to this post or send e-mail to ambridgepna@verizon.net with your full name.
The League would like to get a list of committed bowlers.
If we get enough interested to bowl there will be a follow up e-mail or a phone call advising if the league will or will not bowl the 2nd half.
PNA Bowling League
2020 Banquet
Date: Saturday May 9, 2020
Location: Polish Falcons 8th Street Ambridge
Time: Drinks start at 5 pm Dinner at 6 pm
50/50 Winner
This weeks 50/50 winner
Jake Neihenke
League Officers
2019-2020 PNA League Officers
Presidend: Bill Beighley
Vice President: Bob Jones
Treasurer: Ken Jones
Secretary: Troy Erwin
Website: Don Sabo
PNA Leagues 300 Games
Ken Jones
Nate Schneider (2)
Tom Weber
Jeff Mason Jr (2)
John Jones 300
Jeff Mason JR
Mike Fubio (3)
Buddy Cowles 300
Scott Shanor (2)
Don Sabo 300
Bill Beighley 300
Jeff Horton
Dan Knight 300 (3)
Jim Helms 300
Bob Jones 300 (2)
Troy Erwin 300 (2)
Matt McTighes 300
Mike Fubio Jr. 300
G. Mudrick 300 (2)
G. Frederick 300
G. Frederick 842
Dave Loedding
J. Massoud 300
Joe Weiss's 300
Tom Sposaro (3
660 Ambridge Ave,
Fair Oaks, PA 15003
(724) 266-9915
Complete information to the right to join the PNA Mens Bowling League
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